Fusion 360 Practice

Turners Cube

At the end of lesson I decided to mess around with Fusion 360, so I tried making this thing that Mr Chew mentioned before, a Turners Cube.

I first started with a sketch on the XY plane. I used a centre rectangle of 40mm by 40mm. I used the centre rectangle because I intend to use the origin planes to make the other bodies.

I then did a symmetric extrusion of 20mm in each direction, creating a 40mm cube

Afterwards, I made a circle of diameter 50mm. I added a 50mm line across it and trimmed of half the circle.

I then used this profile and did a revolve cut.

Now I repeated the same thing I did with the centre point rectangle, but this time I used a 30mm dimension

I then did a symmetric extrusion of 15mm

I then did the same thing with a 40mm diameter circle...

...and revoled cut it.

I continued doing the same thing with a 25mm cube and a 30mm diameter sphere until I got this.